1. How many total tricks (Defense + Declarer)
are won in
each hand of Bridge?
(a) 6
(b) 13 (c) 26 (d)
2. The Opening Bidder
(a) is to right of the
Dealer (b) is the Dealer
(c) is to the left of
the Dealer (d) is across from the Dealer
3. In Bridge the term Book
(a) 6 tricks
(b) 7 tricks (c) 13 tricks
(d) 8 tricks
4. A Balanced Hand has
(a) no voids
(b) one singleton (c) two doubletons
(d) an even temperament
5. The Opening Leader is
(a) left of Declarer
(b) right of Declarer
(c) across from
Declarer (d) the Declarer
6. You are playing in 3 NO TRUMP.
(A) How many tricks
do you need to make
the contract?________
(B) How many tricks
do defenders need to set
the contract?_______
7. Your Partner opens the bidding
1 !.
Can you say
(A) 1 $____
(B) 1 #____
(D) 2 u____
(E) PASS____
8. Your Partner opens the bidding
1 NO TRUMP. Can she have
(A) a void____
(B) a doubleton____
(C) 18 High Card
Points____ (D) a singleton____
(E) a five card
CLUB suit____
9. The Declarer is the
(a) first to bid
the suit (or NO TRUMP)
(b) last to bid
the suit (or NO TRUMP)
(c) player with
the most points (d) Dealer
10. The Dummy is
right of the Declarer (b) always your Partner
left of Declarer
(d) across from Declarer
11. Which suit is higher ranking:
or DIAMONDS?________________
12. Which suit is lower ranking: DIAMONDS
13. In the Standard Point count System,
the total number
of High
Card Points (HCP) in the deck are
(a) 10
(b) 13 (c) 40
(d) 26
14. Which is the lowest ranking suit?_____________
15. In the bidding order NO TRUMP is higher
(c) all
of the above
(d) none of the above
16. The major suits are?______________________
17. Three of the 4 (or 5?) honor cards
18. In SAB (Standard American Bidding) how
many cards
in the major
suit are needed to open the bidding in that
suit at
the one level?_____
19. Can you open the bidding at the one
level with a two
card minor?_____
20. How many combined points (between
you and
partner) are needed to bid a game in NO TRUMP
the majors?______ |